Observing the Observable

Have you ever heard or seen someone do something that triggered questions in your brain? Maybe there were some inconsistencies in what they said or did or it was just plain weird. Well, I notice such things on an almost daily basis. This is a page I am dedicating solely to the strange past time of people watching or more specifically why people do what they do. There is no rhyme or rhythm or even order to this page, yet I hope you will appreciate it for its sheer randomocity.

5. I'm officially half way through my first semester at the University of New Hampshire. I love being at UNH with the gorgeous campus, academic excellence and school spirit. One thing that really bugs me is seeing people walk around with BU and BC shirts on. Representing our rival schools? Not ok. Now, I'm not going to lie and say I only wear UNH college attire. I have George Mason and ASU t-shirts that I sport on occasion, but only because I have ties to the schools. And its not like I'm walking around shouting, " I love my school's rival" from my chest. I simply don't understand. WIldcat blood should run thicker.

4. Incompetence annoys me to my very core. End of story.

3. Every time I see the commercial, I can hardly contain myself. My reaction is just too strong. As we draw nearer to the Christmas season, ABC Family is preparing for its annual “25 Days of Christmas” This is a marathon or sorts that plays a different Christmas movie every night from December 1st until December 25th. Personally, I’m not a huge fan of countdowns, but in the case of Christmas movies, I tend to give an exception. Until now. It was 3 days ago that I say the commercial for “The countdown to 25 Days of Christmas”. A countdown, to a countdown? Is that logical? Is that even legal? It amazes me what the TV industry will do to gain viewers. It amazes me even more that the average TV watcher probably won’t notice that fact that they are partaking in a countdown to a countdown. Why not just make it one huge countdown? Like, ” 36 Days of Christmas”? Maybe that just doesn’t have a nice enough ring to it. Perhaps, we could just do away with the first countdown, play all the same movies, and just not call it a countdown? Wow. What an idea. Big stuff, I know, but together, I’m sure we can count down the days to recovery.

2. I tend to avoid trying to sound like a teenage girl, but sometimes the situation demands it. As an 18 year old girl I try my hardest to defy the stereotypical high schooler, which is why that average girl tends to drive me crazy. Have you ever noticed how girls always need to be either talking about themselves or listening to someone else talk about them? I wonder why this is? Is self esteem so low that the flower constantly needs to be helped to bloom? Its one thing if you have an actually interesting anecdote, but the typical “Oh my gosh, like, yeah, then he said, and I was all, no way!” leaves much to be desired. Seriously girls, learn some decent vocabulary. Watch the news, read a book, talk about something of consequence. Now, am I saying I never talk about myself or my own personal experiences? No. Yet atleast I have NPR as my back-up story log.

1. During school or another form of academia, has anyone ever asked you for a piece of paper? I am asked this almost daily, yet in a way that is actually quite incorrect. “Can I borrow a piece of paper?” is usually the statement made, yet the asker typically does not intend to return the paper, which defines the term “borrow”. It would be correct instead to say, “May I please have a piece of paper?” Come on now people, it’s not that hard to remember.